/Filmcast Ep. 547 – Marriage Story + Uncut Gems
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Shownotes (All timestamps are approximate only)
What we’ve been watching (~02:00)
David – 6 Underground, Waves, Last Black Man in San Francisco .
Marriage Story
Spoilers (~52:00)
- Our music sometimes comes from the work of Adam Warrock. You can download our theme song here. Our Slashfilmcourt music comes from SMHMUSIC.com. Our spoiler bumper comes from filmmaker Kyle Hillinger. This episode was edited by Beidi Z.
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The post /Filmcast Ep. 547 – Marriage Story + Uncut Gems appeared first on /Film.
Extracted from /Film, full article at the link.
A random film quote : “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” (When Harry Met Sally, 1989)