Jimmy Kimmel Redubs ‘Star Wars’ Trailer in Thick Brooklyn Accent: ‘A Galaxy Very Friggin’ Far Away’ (Video)

Watch it! I’m Sky-walkin’ over here! Because most New Yorkers turned off the Monday Night Football game where the New York Jets got slaughtered by the New England Patriots well before halftime, Jimmy Kimmel is guessing many of them didn’t get to see the trailer for “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.”

So on Thursday, Kimmel redubbed the trailer using his Brooklyn crew, telling them to speak in their thickest Brooklyn-ese. Bada boom.

“You OK, you good?” Oscar Isaac asks in his dubbed New Yawker accent during one of the trailer’s more emotional moments of C3PO getting reprogrammed. “Am I good? No! We’re all gonna die in a f—in’ space ship explosion. How the f— are you?”

There’s a lot more where that came from, including some “How you doin’s” from Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac and John Boyega, a guy poorly imitating R2-D2’s beeping noises and Chewbacca getting one long bleep as he roars. You get the idea.

Maybe now Kimmel can play this in the back of cabs when everyone mutes his face, and no one would be the wiser.

Kimmel said it’s a journey to a galaxy “very friggin’ far away.” “Sta Wars: Da Rise of Skywaka” opens in theaters from Disney and Lucasfilm on Dec. 20. Just friggin’ watch it above.

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Extract fromTheWrapMovies, full article at the link.

A random film quote : "Show me the money." Jerry Maguire (1996)

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